Order Online using our Secure Server. Secure ordering, 24 hours a day. Place your order on our site, we accept all leading credit and debit cards. Simply add the items you wish to buy to your basket by clicking the dark purple 'Add to Basket' buttons. Then click 'checkout' in the dark purple Shopping Basket box on the upper left and follow the dark purple buttons. Or:
Order by phone - If you would rather not enter your details online you can pay by credit or debit card over the phone, please feel free to call our customer helpline, and we can take your details over the phone. If lines are busy please leave a message and we will call you back to take your order.
Cheque/Money Order. Aswell as accepting all leading credit and debit cards we accept cash, cheques and postal orders, should you prefer to not enter your details online. Please send us a cheque, postal order or cash (cash is best sent recorded delivery) for the total with a note inside saying what you would like to order and include your delivery address. Sometimes you can't beat the old ways!
Please make cheques and postal orders payable to:
and send to:
71 The Maltings Business Center
Stansted Abbots
SG12 8UU
We will normally send your dvds within a few days of recieving your cheque as we appreciate you want them as soon as possible. And remember if you have any questions or problems don't hestitate to call us 9-6pm Mon to Sat via the contact us page. We are normally working later so you are welcome to call anytime 24/7, there is a good chance you will catch us!